How to improve your sleep in Summer.
“How to improve your sleep in Summer” is a short blog providing you with ten easy to implement ideas to help restore your sleeping/waking balance. It’s easy to get out of rhythm in Summer but the positive news is that it’s just as easy to make small but significant changes to restore that rhythm once more. What are the benefits? More energy, enthusiasm and joy paired with a reduced appetite, reduced irritability and increased motivation. Read on to learn more.
Consider blackout blinds or heavy lined curtains.
Not only will they help your body to believe that it’s time to sleep but they will also help to keep your bedroom cool. Daylight prevents the production of melatonin, a hormone that helps you to maintain your circadian rhythms and that supports your body in entering the sleep state.
If neither of these options are appropriate for you at present then a blackout eye mask will allow you to create your own sleeping time darkness.
Manage your room temperature.
16-19 degrees Celsius is considered the best temperature range for sleep. In addition, ensure that your room is well ventilated.
Manage your own temperature.
Exchanging your duvet for a cotton sheet will help to keep you cool during the night.
Light cotton nightwear, although this seems counterintuitive in hot weather, is a more comfortable option than sleeping without nightwear at all. If your body sweats during the night you will find that cotton nightwear will absorb the sweat which will keep you more comfortable.
A cool shower or bath before bed will help to reduce your core body temperature.
Avoid eating close to bedtime.
A substantial meal close to bedtime can interfere with your ability to fall asleep. You may also awaken during the night with heartburn or indigestion.
Exercise daily but not within two hours of bedtime.
Whilst exercise will enhance the quality of your sleep, it can also interfere with sleep when you exercise shortly before going to bed.
Be aware of the effect of alcohol upon the quality of your sleep.
Although alcohol is a sedative it has a negative impact upon your sleep quality, affecting your levels of alertness and energy for the following day.
Avoid daytime naps,
Taking a small nap during the day, whilst appearing to be an easy solution to help restore your sleep balance, will disrupt your circadian rhythms resulting in your experiencing increased difficulty in getting to sleep at night.
Avoid the use of screens before going to bed.
On average, it takes between one and two hours to fall asleep after you have switched off all your devices. You can help your body wind down by choosing to engage in quieter, less active and stimulating activities in the final few hours before going to bed.
Be consistent.
You can improve the quality and duration of your sleep in Summer by establishing a regular pattern of going to sleep and rising at the same time each day. Over time, you will notice that you will naturally begin to feel sleepy and subsequently wake up in the morning, at your preferred, established times, without any conscious effort at all.
Is insomnia is interfering with your wellbeing, in the Summer or throughout the year? Do you know that hypnotherapy can help you overcome insomnia? Working together, we can identify the root cause of your insomnia and then begin to reprogramme your mind to change the old ways of thinking and behaving that were standing between you and the sleep you both deserve and need.
Interested? Contact me today to learn how hypnotherapy can help you achieve the sleep of your dreams.