Online hypnotherapy
Online hypnotherapy or face to face ? After deciding to begin hypnotherapy this is the next question to be answered. Some people wonder if hypnotherapy “really works” online so I have written this blog by way of response.
The short answer is yes, online hypnotherapy is every bit as effective as working in a shared physical space. We meet, reflect, share and work together in exactly the same way. In addition, there are various benefits to be gained by working online which I have detailed below.
Online hypnotherapy is easy to access.
All you need is your mobile, tablet or laptop and a reliable internet connection.
You can access your session from anywhere in the world.
You don’t have to think about travel time and costs.
This can make hypnotherapy more accessible if you have mobility issues, live in a remote area or would rather not have to add the cost of fuel and parking or public transport costs to your session charge.
You can enjoy online hypnotherapy within the comfort of your own home.
Many people find it more relaxing to access hypnotherapy within their own home surroundings, in a favourite chair or in their special place. There is the additional benefit that after the session has ended you can continue to enjoy those feelings of deep relaxation without having to negotiate transport home.
Online hypnotherapy fits more easily into your schedule.
Most people find that they can identify a one hour slot to meet online without causing significant disruption to their day or impacting upon their other commitments. The flexibility of “one hour online” also enables you to consider sessions at different times of the day that may fit more easily with your lifestyle e.g. a late evening or weekend appointment.
You have more choice.
The best hypnotherapist for you, the one that has the skillset you are looking for, and the one with whom you feel a natural sense of rapport, may not be working nearby. Working online, you have access to a much wider range of hypnotherapists, each with their own unique professional strengths and personal qualities, and so it becomes much easier to find the right hypnotherapist for you.
What do you need to be successful with online hypnotherapy?
Technically, all that is required is a reliable internet connection, a comfortable place to sit or lie, and privacy and quiet for the duration of the session. As in all hypnotherapy sessions, the ability for us both to see and hear each other is, of course, also required.
From a partnership perspective, (yourself and your hypnotherapist), the criteria mirror those required for any hypnotherapy session. There are four key factors; clearly identified goals, an empathic and skilled hypnotherapist, an open-minded client who is committed to change, and, most crucially, a relationship founded on therapeutic rapport.
If you are committed to change contact me today and let’s begin.