Can Dry January really make a difference to your drinking?
Can Dry January really make a difference to your drinking? In Dry January, tens of thousands of people across the UK choose to live without alcohol for 31 days. The campaign was initiated…
Is one resolution enough?
In this blog I will explore what contributes to the effectiveness of resolutions, and will consider the question ” Is one resolution enough?” before concluding with an overview of the role of hypnotherapy…
Is anxiety making you forgetful?
Is anxiety making you forgetful? In this blog I will consider the link between anxiety and forgetfulness. A review of how memories are stored and retrieved will precede consideration of the effects of…
How does hypnosis affect your brain?
Hypnosis can be a powerful way to effect positive change, but how does hypnosis affect your brain? In this blog we will explore how hypnosis changes your levels of brain activation and why…
7 ways to accept a compliment
“7 ways to take a compliment” was written for those of you who have difficulty in receiving a compliment, and considerably more difficulty in holding onto it. In this blog I will explore…
Can hypnotherapy help with the menopause?
Can hypnotherapy help with the menopause? In this blog we will answer this question by exploring the impact of the menopause and its different stages before considering some of the main symptoms in…
Can hypnotherapy help me stop smoking?
“Can hypnotherapy help me stop smoking?” is a question I am often asked. In this blog, I will define hypnosis and hypnotherapy, and explain how hypnotherapy works. I will then consider why this…
A good morning routine sets you up for the day.
How does your morning routine compare with Harry Styles, Oprah or Marie Kondo? Find out by taking this fun quiz.
What is attention restoration theory ?
What is attention restoration theory and why does it matter? (Or perhaps you are feeling too distracted right now to think about that….) In this blog we will uncover what attention restoration theory…
Returning to healthy eating.
Returning to healthy eating is not as difficult as you might think. There are three key ideas that will help to make your return as easy and effective as possible. These include choosing…