Is one resolution enough?
In this blog I will explore what contributes to the effectiveness of resolutions, and will consider the question ” Is one resolution enough?” before concluding with an overview of the role of hypnotherapy in creating positive, sustainable change.
As New Year approaches, we find the opportunity to reflect on the passing year and take a moment to pause, notice where we are now, and consider where we want to move forward to in 2023.
This may be building upon the progress we have already made by setting further goals and identifying the next part of our journey. Alternatively, this may be a turning point, when we choose to focus in a different direction, as one chapter closes and we move forward towards that new horizon.
What exactly is a resolution?
The word “resolution” is defined as “a firm decision to do or not do something”. Experience shows us that whilst we can all be skilled in creating our resolutions, maintaining them throughout the New Year is considerably more difficult.
Why can resolutions be so hard to sustain?
Rather than focusing on why resolutions can be so hard to sustain I am going to ask an alternative, more helpful question.
What do resolutions need to be effective?
Realistic proportions
Realism in setting the size of your goal will help you to stay motivated and interested. Your goal should be challenging enough to be stimulating whilst also being achievable. If your goal is monumental, it may be more helpful to set a smaller mini-goal as a stepping stone towards reaching your ultimate destination.
It is important to recognise where, or indeed, from whom, your goal originates. If you have created your resolution in response to someone else’s idea, or in an attempt to gain their approval, your level of commitment towards its fulfilment is likely to be lower than if the goal that is wholly your own. Your level of personal investment in achieving the outcome is crucial.
Clarity helps you to understand what is needed to achieve your outcome.
By clearly defining your goals and resolutions you will find it easier to maintain your awareness of the progress you are making towards their achievement and will also have a clear vision of how you will feel when that desired outcome is reached.
This clear vision is a powerful motivator. The more vividly you can visualise the outcome the more confident you will be as you progress towards it.
It may be helpful to consider the SMART (Smart, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Time-bound) or PACT (Purposeful, Actionable, Continuous and Trackable) goal setting approaches at this stage.
Through careful planning and preparation you can create the optimal environment to support you in maintaining your resolution. When this step if missed it becomes easy for self-sabotage and “life” to get in the way which can lead to reduced motivation, reduced confidence and negative self-talk. The optimal environment for your goal achievement will be personal to you. It may be leaving your running shoes beside the front door so that they are ready for you in the morning, ensuring that you have all the ingredients you need to create healthy meals, or setting a night time alarm to ensure that you are in bed in time to meditate or journal before going to sleep.
It is likely that there will be days when everything will not go according to plan. A flexible approach will enable you to accept any minor setbacks and recognise that within the bigger picture you are still moving forward.
We are human. There may be times when you will feel as if you have failed or let yourself down. Self-forgiveness is key. Remember the bigger picture.
One Resolution: Do you need any more?
We may have many goals that we want to achieve; new skills or ideas that we want to develop and perhaps some habits and behaviours that we are ready to leave behind us.
I would suggest that you may find it useful to list your resolutions and then rate them in terms of their potential impact upon your life. If you do this, you will find that there will be one goal with an impact that will positively affect the achievement of your other goals. This is your pivot goal.
By making this pivot goal your “One Resolution” and committing fully to it, you will reduce the stress of working with multiple goals and benefit from a magnified depth of focus that will result in your reaching your desired outcome more rapidly.
When that goal is achieved, you will find that progress has also been made towards the achievement of some of your other defined goals. In addition, your mind will have become accustomed to working in this “single focus” way and you will then find that you can easily apply the same principles to a further “One Resolution”.
How can hypnotherapy help me achieve my goals and resolutions?
When you commit to a goal or resolution you generally work towards its achievement through your actions and behaviours. In this way you are seeking to create change from the outside. Wanting to change is not always enough, of itself, to make positive, lasting change happen. Sometimes we need to change on the inside; change our way of thinking, about ourselves, the issue, and the world as we see it.
Through hypnotherapy you can change your mindset and create powerful, lasting change. You can free yourself from old unhelpful habits or beliefs and embrace a positive, solution-oriented way of thinking and being that empowers you to move consistently and confidently forward.
Contact me for a free consultation today.