Hypnotherapy can help your pain.
38% of UK adults experience pain daily. Are you one of them? Read on to discover how hypnotherapy can help your pain and how you can begin that process of change now. What…
Seasonal Affective Disorder
….. finding light amidst the shadows. Seasonal Affective Disorder affects more than 20,000 people in the UK. In this post, I will explore main features of the condition, what you can do to…
Are you afraid of stopping smoking ?
Are you are afraid of stopping smoking? Many people are. In this blog we will consider how to conquer your fears and how hypnotherapy can help you become a nonsmoker for life. Fear…
Why is it so hard to keep weight off ?
Are you struggling to maintain your weight loss ? Research suggests that 65% of dieters regain their lost weight within three years. In this blog I will explore why it is so…
Break free from your phobia.
In this blog I will present an overview of phobias and explain how to break free from your phobia by accessing the power of your unconscious mind, through hypnotherapy. Do you have…
Lacking motivation to exercise ? Ten ways to turn it around.
Don’t go it alone. Exercising with a friend aids motivation and you will be less likely to miss a session due to the feeling of accountability, of letting your friend down, if you…
Three Mindful Breaths
I think it’s true to say that we all spend a significant amount of our time each day waiting, whether it’s at the end of a phone or online, and I don’t know…