• self-worth

    How high is your self-esteem?

    It’s not something we often stop to consider in our busy lives, but perhaps we should. The value we place on our values, skills and strengths has a huge impact upon the way…

  • Raynauld's Phenomenon and hypnotherapy

    Raynaud’s Phenomenon

    Raynaud’s Phenomenon affects 10 million people in the UK. In this blog, I will explore what triggers Raynaud’s and its key symptoms. I will then consider what steps you can take to help…

  • new job anxiety and hypnotherapy

    What can you do about new job anxiety ?

    What can you do about your new job anxiety? It seems ironic. You’ve finally got the job you wanted but as the day approaches you feel your anxiety grow. You find yourself doubting…

  • no mobile phone phobia

    Nomophobia ? (The clue is in the name.)

    What is nomophobia ? Nomophobia is the fear of having no mobile phone. It is very real and very present in our world today. This blog will consider the symptoms of nomophobia, its…

  • emotional eating

    Emotional eating? Who, me?

    In this blog we will consider what is meant by the term “emotional eating”, how to identify it, its impact upon wellbeing, why diets don’t work, and how hypnotherapy can help. What is…

  • when did you last empty your cup

    When did you last empty your cup ?

    “When did you last empty your cup ?” is a short message but an important one that can often be overlooked. In this blog I’m going to explore with you the ancient Zen…

  • living with uncertainty

    Living with uncertainty

    Living with uncertainty is difficult because as humans we are programmed to seek and find comfort in predictability. As such, when you find yourself struggling to manage uncertainty, it is good to remember…

  • overcomeChristmasstress

    10 Tips to Overcome Christmas Stress

    Read on to discover how you can help yourself overcome Christmas stress, by regaining perspective and reprioritising your own needs. As you do so, you will find that you are able to more…

  • 12 days of self-compassionate ChristmasChristmas

    The 12 Days of Self-compassionate Christmas

    As Christmas rapidly approaches, do you struggle to find time for you? In this blog, the 12 days of Self-compassionate Christmas, we take a whimsical journey to discover how you can  restore and…